My name is Kyle and I have been involved in the 3d space since my junior year of high school back in 2016. Since then, I have managed to dig deep in Houdini, Cinema4d, Redshift, Octane, After Effects, and Photoshop to name a few programs. Over the last 3 years, I have spent countless hours in Houdini - it is by far the most powerful 3d tool I have used, and the more I become fluent with it, the more I find myself using it over other 3d applications. Currently, I use Houdini for almost all of my 3d work due to its power, flexibility, and granular detail.
I have worked for several studios, including Tarantula VFX, Art of Visuals, Elastic, Inertia Studios, Shapes and Forms, Scholar, and Already Been Chewed.
Motion design done well is visual poetry, it is my goal on every project to capture some of that magic.
I also love to shoot film in my free time! Find it on my film Instagram here.
Along with creating art, I love to climb and play chess.
Hopefully, we can work together soon!